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How to enable threaded comments in WordPress

WordPress Snippets

To enable threaded comments in WordPress using functions.php, you can use the wp_list_comments_args filter in your theme’s functions.php file or in a separate plugin file. This filter is used to customize the arguments passed to the wp_list_comments function, which is used to display the comments list.

Here’s an example of how you can use the wp_list_comments_args filter to enable threaded comments in WordPress:

// Enable threaded comments in WordPress
// More snippets at 

function my_custom_comments_args( $args ) {
	// Enable threaded comments
	$args[ 'style' ] = 'ol';
	$args[ 'type' ] = 'all';
	$args[ 'callback' ] = 'my_custom_comments_callback';
	$args[ 'max_depth' ] = 3;

	return $args;
add_filter( 'wp_list_comments_args', 'my_custom_comments_args' );

function my_custom_comments_callback( $comment, $args, $depth ) {
	// Customize the display of the comments list

This code will enable threaded comments by setting the style argument to ol (ordered list), the type argument to all (display all comments), and the callback argument to a custom function to customize the display of the comments list. The max_depth argument specifies the maximum depth of nested comments to display.

You can customize the display of the comments list by modifying the my_custom_comments_callback function. This function is called for each comment in the comments list, and it receives the comment object, the arguments array, and the depth of the comment as arguments.

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