How to disable the welcome panel in the WordPress dashboard
To disable the Welcome panel in the dashboard in WordPress, you can use the wp_welcome_panel action hook in your theme’s functions.php file. This hook allows
Snippets for WordPress is an easy and smart way to make changes in WordPress without the need for additional plugins.
To disable the Welcome panel in the dashboard in WordPress, you can use the wp_welcome_panel action hook in your theme’s functions.php file. This hook allows
To remove query variables or version numbers from styles or scripts in WordPress, you can use the style_loader_src and script_loader_src filters in your theme’s functions.php
To append a shortcode after the content of a post that is in a specific category in WordPress, you can use the the_content filter hook
To enable threaded comments in WordPress using functions.php, you can use the wp_list_comments_args filter in your theme’s functions.php file or in a separate plugin file.
To add a BuddyPress private message link after the author details using functions.php, you can use the bp_activity_entry_meta action hook in your theme’s functions.php file
To redirect only BuddyPress users after login, you can use the wp_login action hook in your theme’s functions.php file or in a separate plugin file.
To show the activity comment count to logged-in users only in BuddyPress using functions.php, you can use the bp_activity_get_comment_count function in your theme’s functions.php file
To modify the order of the profile tabs in BuddyPress with functions.php, you can use the bp_nav function and the bp_core_new_nav_item function in your theme’s
To add custom navigation in BuddyPress using functions.php, you can use the bp_core_new_nav_item function in your theme’s functions.php file. This function allows you to add